Nokia has done a great job on its Series S40! Of course, they are low cost devices, but they are quite functional and bring good specifications (touch, GPS, Wi-fi, etc). In addition, the design of some of them is very pleasant and thin, for instance, the Asha family. I tried Asha 303, X3-02 and C3-00, and I liked the result!
Other good news is that Series S40 has a powerful Java ME environment. A bunch of JSRs are supported (most of them present in the whole series), specific Nokia API, e.g. Maps API (you gotta check out this one!) and In-App Purchasing, and Nokia IDE (Eclipse-based) and many other tools. Nokia is now releasing its SDK 2.0 for Series S40, along with new devices: Asha 305, 306 and 311. All of them now full touch.
Now let's stick to the post's title.

Taking the opportunity of the launch of its new SDK, Nokia is also releasing LWUIT for Series 40, a work done with LWUIT team, which built an optimised version of LWUIT for S40 with a number of styling, theming, and functional changes. This version has a total integration with some features presente on S40 devices, e.g. native keyboard and S40 gesture framework. LWUIT for S40 can be used to create applications targeted at Series 40 5th Edition and newer devices.
This optmization has provided some notable changes on LWUIT components (e.g. Form, List, TextArea, TextField, etc) so they can take advantage of platform's features and look more integrated to S40's UX. On the other hand, these changes are transparent to developers. So if you are already familiar with LWUIT's APIs, don't worry!
You can find all those changes and other useful information, e.g. installation and other resources, about LWUIT for S40 in this Wiki page.
The link to donwload is here.
Nokia, thanks for boosting Java ME for real.
See you in the next post...
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