Jan 30, 2014

Pull Down to Refresh v1.1 for LWUIT

Hi, all

Just to let you guys know that I just released a new version of Pull Down to Refresh for LWUIT.

This version brings some bug fixes and two minor features. For intance, now you can use images for "arrow" and "refresh" icons that are stored in the app's resource theme; and set an extra length for the pulling gesture, so you can calibrate when refresh should be triggered.

For those that are using v1.0, you will also notice a slight behavior change in the component. Now by default, it is always visible. On the other hand, you can make it always hidden as well. There is new constructor that makes it possible.

You can download the new component's version by clicking here.

It is worth mentioning that PullDownRefresh is under MIT license.

Enjoy the update!

See you in the next post...

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